Announcements for October 27

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST will be held Nov 2nd @ 8am in the fellowship hall Pastor Bruce & Russ Smith are hosts.

Fun Fall Fling
Monday Oct. 28, 2019
Our Savior’s Fellowship Hall and Grounds
5560 S. 2300 W. Roy
Join us for Chili and Hot Dogs at 6:00 pm
Bring the whole Family plus friends & neighbors.
Games, Crafts and Booths begin at 6:30

All Saint’s Day is celebrated November 3rd.
You may honor someone who has passed in the last year by signing the sheet in the back or filling out a tag I have placed in the pews. Please put them in the offering plate by Oct. 27th.

FELLOWSHIP /CONNECT — please join this fun ministry the 1st Sunday of each month.
We will meet in the 5th-6th grade classroom immediately following the 2nd service.!!
See you on the 3rd of November. ??’s Call or text Renae Schmid @ 801-391-2537

Sunday, November 10th, Reach would like to honor Veterans with a Spaghetti, Salad, & Dessert Program.

Please watch for more information about the event as well as where you can sign up to help Mary Kartak

Be expecting notices from your Hospitality coordinators in the next few weeks. They will help you remember what is needed for the

Alpha Food Drive which will begin Nov. 24th and will deliver Dec. 19th.

Are you wondering what you can do to serve your church? Men and Women, OSL needs at least 3 counters.
This is a behind the scene opportunity. You would count once per month after church (that is 12 times a year).
If this sounds interesting talk to Bobbi Spring 801-641-2810