Announcements for May 26, 2019

YEE HAA Vacation Bible School   June 7 – 9. Get registered now, and remember to grab a friend or six and get ready to kick up your heels. Register on line go to                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Let’s start                                                                                    Summer  with a splash and enjoy each other’s company
at Lagoon

Lagoon Day June 2! There is information with cost and envelopes for payments in the back. Pam and I will run a booth/table between services to help collect orders, and distribute tickets there. Today is the last day of sales, May 26. Passes are good any day of the 2019 Season. We’ll rent a pavilion on June 2, you are welcome to leave your coolers and personal belongings there. – Vicki Ramirez

SUMMER SCHEDULE, begins today with one service at 10::am.

Pastor Bruce will lead an Adult Summer Sunday School beginning June 2nd at 9am with a new study on  “Lutheran Questions  Lutheran Answers”.  This will be similar to an adult confirmation review

June 2nd is GRADUAION SUNDAY. Please see the signup sheet on the column in the back to honor your graduate. There will be a slide show so if you could please E-mail an picture of your grad would love to showcase them. Grow will start the 9am Summer Coffee Hours by serving cake for the graduates. Please invite your family and friends. Send your E-mails to [email protected] with your grads information. Thank you

Summer Camp at Big Canyon Ranch, 175 Big Canyon Ln, Wanship, UT, is close and is a great opportunity for your Youth to meet and fellowship with other LCMC Youth from our area.  The Men’s Ministry have been saving their pennies each month and decided to offer scholarships to help pay for any student that would like to attend this great camp.  Camp Week is July 15-19.  Contact Dan Kartak for more information.


Mark your calendars and start practicing.  The men’s ministry is sponsoring the Golf for the Son tournament this year.  It will be held at Schneider’s Bluff Golf Course on August 17th.       If you get to other golf courses or shops ask about donations for prizes. More info will follow as we approach the date.                                                                               

Your Church Needs YOU!

* Would you like to be blessed while serving others? Please contact Janet Tow to talk about becoming part of the Communion Team. 801-309-6969

* Michelle Clanton has stepped down from Women’s Ministry due to scheduling conflicts with work, school and family. We need a new lead to keep this ministry going forward.